Retail is an extremely competitive market.

Most stores have tight profit margins are and constantly looking for new and innovative ways to attract customers while saving money. Consequently, the “use and improve what you already have” mantra is really taking stride with many conscientious store owners. One area that many retailers are starting to realize is important to customers, is lighting. The distribution of light in a space, particularly luminance in and on room surfaces like store fixtures, appear to be a major determinant of room satisfaction.
Think about it: a bright room indicates cheeriness, and cheeriness and spending seem to go hand in hand.

Most of the time, when you’re in a gloomy mood, you’re mind is focused on other things besides spending money. Bright store fixtures that really illuminate the products not only work on highlighting their attributes, but contribute to the overall lightness and cheeriness of the atmosphere. There are many options for lighting in your retail environment, and you should really research which type works will with your particular environment. All in all, illuminating your products is key. You should think of your store fixtures as stages and your merchandise as the stars. You need the proper lighting to really get the audience’s, or your customer’s, attention.

When you’re just starting out in the jewelry business, it can be incredibly intimidating. If only it was as easy as buying a few Streamline showcases, filling them with merchandise and setting up shop! Closing sales and making profit takes extreme dedication, willpower, and thick skin. Success doesn’t happen overnight, it takes a while to get the rhythm of things, usually by trial and error. A really great way to get keen insight into the industry from others is to join professional organizations. Not only is it beneficial to you for networking purposes, but it beneficial because it makes you more credible in the eyes of the potential buyer. Here is a list of a few organizations that any jewelry store owner could benefit from: - Retail Jewelers Association- An organization of independent jewelry retailers. - National Jeweler Network – A group that is concerned with current affairs and trends affecting the jewelry trade. - Jewelers of America (JA) – Another national association for the retail jewelers. - American Gem Society- One of the oldest and most respect jewelry associations in the world and is particularly exclusive. - Manufacturing Jewelers and Suppliers of America (MJSA)- According  to their website, MJSA exists to “provide the resources and support necessary for U.S. –based jewelry designer, manufacturers, and supplies to compete successfully.”

And if it’s a jewelry showcase you’re looking for, has everything you need to make your merchandise sparkle.

While shopping, there are several factors that can contribute to us buckling down and making a purchase or leaving the store with a bad impression. If you run a retail store and would like to know what makes customers ignore your sparkling retail display to walk out with a chip on their shoulder, read this little guide.

1)    Messy Dressing Rooms: If your store has fitting rooms, you should keep on top of the order and cleanliness as it is a huge pet peeve of many shoppers. In addition to looking better, it enhances your loss prevention by being able to keep track of merchandise easier.

2)    Burned Out or Poor Lighting: Lighting is incredibly important when you’re making an overall judgment about a place. You want to choose lighting fixtures that highlight and accentuate your store’s strong suits, which goes for in the store and in the store fixtures as well.

3)    Loud Music: If your customers wanted to go to a nightclub, they wouldn’t be at your store. Take that into consideration when selecting your music and your music’s volume. It should be background music, not overwhelming.

If you are a retail business owner and feel like you’re in a rut, it may be time you dressed up your store a little bit. People do it all the time for themselves. When someone is feeling bored and run-down with their appearance, they change something. Usually, it’s going out and buying some new clothes, or getting a new hairstyle, or maybe buying a nice watch. The point is, in order to get out of that rut, you have to make changes.

If you’re store is in dire need of a fresh look, you should look into some new store fixtures. Updating the interior of your store can make all the difference to you and the people you’re trying to attract. If you’re merchandise isn’t selling as well as you’d like it to, you should look into getting some sparkling new Streamline Showcases. In many stores with slow sales, it’s not the merchandise’s fault that they aren’t selling, it’s the way the merchandise is presented that’s not selling it. Glass Displays really draw the eye in and lock in the sale. 
There are many different kinds of store displays. The jewelry showcase is much like the half vision showcase, both are good for displaying one level of jewelry. Below is the jewelry showcase.

Full vision and extra vision showcases are good for multi-level sturdy store displays.

Multi-level sturdy store displays on a grander scale include display towers, wall cases and trophy showcases, which display increasingly more amounts of jewelry. Below is the wall case.

For showcases behind the counter, there are corner showcases, countertop showcases, and glass showcases, which are all multi-level, and are perfect for more valuable items, that you want to distance from the customer in order to convey their importance. Below is the corner showcase.

Streamline Showcases have an interesting history. The word streamline means to “follow the path of least resistance,” and it can also mean “to simplify and organize.” The term was applied to store displays in the 1930’s, incorporating the functionality of the Bauhaus movement, and the spartan aesthetic of American art deco. It makes sense then, that if you want to have a retail display that simplifies and organizes all of your jewelry, a showcase that follows the path of least resistance, and simply displays what you have in a way that doesn’t overpower what is inside, then you would choose Streamline Showcases.

Depending on your product, an aluminum, anodized gold, or black exterior finish will match accordingly. You have the option of mirrored doors, which can help to make your streamline showcase deeper and more expansive, a trove of treasure waiting to be opened.

The ideal store showcase base should be of a soft colored wood, like maple or cherry. You want a showcase that complements your retail display, but in a subtle way. It should afford your product a sense of grace, elegance, and simplicity.

Overall the Streamline Showcases that you choose should match your product, your store, and you. Choosing a showcase is a personal decision that is important to your business.
When you go shopping for jewelry, you walk into the store amidst acres of glass showcase. Streamline showcases flow on both your sides and jewelry sparkles and shimmers. The showcase on your left is gold plated, and looks like it could be about as valuable as what’s inside. The glass is polished and you can see your reflection looking up at you from the emeralds and rubies within. On your right is a tall showcase that holds necklaces, huge diamond clad necklaces, with each level improving in size and quality upon the last, and at the top, a museum worthy piece that must be out of your price range.

A sales person approaches you, bids you good day, and asks what you have in mind. You reply, and he leads you over to a jewelry showcase towards the middle of the store. Slowly, he bends down, slides the mirrored door in the showcase, and extracts two spectacular rings that make you feel embarrassed about having to ask the price of before you can continue. “Not to worry,” he reassures you, “these rings are on sale, and are within your price range.” It turns out he’s right, miraculously, and he leads you farther on into the land of the showcase to gift wrap your wife’s new ring.

If you are looking for Streamline Showcases for your retail display, look no further than Sturdy Store Displays. A jewelry showcase is a perfect way to show off your product in a classy and stylish manner. There are all kinds of store displays, from wraparounds to towers, a lovely jewelry showcase to trophy displays of differing ilk.

If you really want to improve your jewelry showcase, buy our Probeam LED light. This will illumine your products, making them glitter and shine and causing your customers to gasp at the resplendence of your jewelry and any other products you are showcasing.

Presentation is everything in this business. If your products were lumped in a pile, no one would
ever buy them because they would look sloppy and cheap. If, on the other hand, you use Sturdy Store Displays, you convey luxury and quality to your customers, and your prices can reflect that accordingly. That’s why these store displays are more than just presentation, they are an investment in your product and your business.

So when it matters how you display your products, go to the authorities. Sturdy Store Displays are the best in the business for a reason.

When you’re making a big purchase, chances are that it takes you while to make the decision to buy it or not to buy it. Sometimes it even takes a few trips back into the store, before you really can decide. When someone is shopping for jewelry, they tend to want to make the most well-thought out decision and will generally take a lot of time looking at pieces they may consider buying.

So for jewelry stores, its imperative there’s a place for the customer to sit and view the merchandise. Odds are that people who come into your store have been on their feet all day, and the last thing they want to do is stand for an hour at the jewelry store looking at expensive merchandise. When the customer is comfortable they may be more likely to make a purchase, as they’re not focused on getting to a place where they can sit and relax. But the seating problem may stump you because there simply may not be enough room for. Luckily, there are sturdy store displays for that.

Bold Showcases make a Sit-Down Jewelry showcase, perfect for that indecisive customer who you really want to close the sale with. The showcases include frameless door mirrors and a T8 fluorescent light strip.
Most humans respond best to visual stimuli.

That’s why so many retail stores utilize their window space to show off products. By creating that visual connection between consumer and merchandise, you’re making the sales process a little easier. In addition to window display, many retailers opt for interior showcases. This is commonly done because visual merchandising is essential in the retail sales process.

By using creative store displays, you’re making a certain visual connection with potential buyers of your product, one that is long lasting. Visual merchandising helps showcase the product and educate your customers about its features in a memorable way. In turn, this makes them more apt to make a purchase.

Sturdy store displays are crucial in protecting your merchandise and keeping it looking its best. This can be very important for jewelry sales, where the safety of the merchandise is the key to the success of the business.

Also, by using a retail display, you’re establishing a creative medium for the merchandise to be presented, making it more attractive to the customer. Glass showcases make the product look special and valuable—like something that will give them they’re money’s worth. For clothing retailers, they can also help with suggestive selling by creating a imaginative and eye-catching display with the items you’re looking to sell.

If you’re looking for the best selection of visual merchandise items like store displays, be sure to visit

My husband and I own a jewelry store. We are just a small business trying to compete with the bigger retailers, and while he manages all the financial matters, he leaves me to take charge of all the aesthetic matters, which includes buying and setting up. A glass showcase is very important to jewelry showcases because it’s how we display our product. So I wanted to really make our showcases the focal point of our store, because the jewelry speaks for itself. Who did I turn to? Sturdy Store Displays.

When I was looking for showcases I saw a lot that were just that: showcases. But when I went to Sturdy Store Displays, they provided me with so many options that made the jewelry part of the showcases. Halogen lights and mirrored ends make it seem to the customer like there’s an endless treasury of diamonds within the showcase – a little treasure chest. It makes them want to take something from the jewelry showcase, and usually, they do! We have a glass showcase that is classy and most of them have a certain attraction that makes you want to feel like a natural diamond owner. So when you’re looking for Streamline Showcases or retail display of any sort, go to Sturdy Store Displays. It really does make a difference.
If you sell jewelry, there are a lot of factors that can contribute to your success. But arguably the most important is customer service. Sturdy Store Displays has recently received new sit down showcases.

Think about it: You walk into a jewelry store seeking help. You see a personable young man, who smiles and asks you if you need help. You say, yes, I need a platinum wedding ring for my fiancée. He says, please, follow me. You stand, hovering over the showcase, pointing and trying to decide on a ring as you shift your weight from foot to foot.

Versus: You walk into a jewelry store seeking help. You see a personable young woman engage you with a smile and ask you if you need any help. You respond, why yes, as a matter of fact, I’m looking for a white gold engagement ring. She says, please, sit down and make yourself at home, while I show you the jewelry you’d like to see. Reclining, you decide on something that’s perfect for your girlfriend!

I like the latter scenario. Not only is it physically more comfortable, but a sit down glass showcase allows both parties to feel more relaxed and enhances the entire shopping experience.

A jewelry showcase is usually available in a wide range of designs, colors, materials and sizes - depending on what you want for your store. These jewelry showcase units are used to add an extra hum of beauty to the jewels and jewelry you have in your store. While regular shelving can be used as well - the showcase gives you the added benefit of not only making the jewelry seem more beautiful, but it helps protect against theft as well. It's a lot harder to "steal" something from a store when its behind lock and key, and that is what these retail display products offer.

The display size and type you choose from should be considered when buying one - too bulky or big of a showcase and the display could look out of place. Too small, and it looks too busy and unorganized! You should also figure out what kind of materials are going to look good against your type of jewelry. For example, if you are selling something like vintage or Victorian jewelry, something like a wooden retail display may look better matched with your jewelry whereas if you are selling silver or platinum jewelry that has a more modern look, something like a silver plated display might look more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Remember this is a glass showcase to "show" off your merchandise - you want the case to be secure and pleasing to the eye, but also sturdy store displays can also play into an organized look as well by utilizing streamline showcases to act as a "path" through your store
What's the idea of having a dark glass showcase display? Hey, don't you want to let your merchandise shine? I mean, is there anything better looking than a shiny diamond on display? Probably not. This is the time to pimp your jewelry showcase with Sturdy Store Displays ProBeam LED Light Bar.

That’s right. ProBeam is by far the best LED light bar available on the market and will work with any glass showcase out there! This extra bright showcase light uses only 12 volts and produces a record-breaking luminosity for a low low price.

And don’t worry about the life span of these LED bars. The average working time of the light bars goes up to 50,000 hours! Think about it, 50,000 is like… 50,000 divided by 356 days a year… 24 hours a day… that’s… that’s a lot!

The ballast-free fixture is less than an inch in diameter and radiates a high intensity Daylight White color. Of course that we have all sizes available for standard and custom showcases.

For more information about glass showcases and the ProBeam Led Light, visit us at

Store displays and the showcase that represents a company and its products plays a huge role in the steady flow of customers; a glass showcase allows customers to see, but not touch, ultimately providing retailers the opportunities to engage in sales conversations. A retail display, such as a jewelry showcase, can show an entire product line in a limited amount of space. Rather than having all of the products in storage, a showcase acts as a protection device, a storage utility and one of the best methods for showcasing goods.

Streamline showcases allow customers to quickly move through a retail space and browse items efficiently. This method works well especially because people can find what products they are looking for fast, and not only this, but store managers and merchandisers can adjust the merchandise and product positioning to increase sales of higher prices items. The use of sturdy store displays in the right positions will provide store owners a better opportunity to meet their customer’s wants and needs. By placing similar priced items in showcases and displays throughout the store floor, people can quickly bounce from different areas in search to match their price range.

Managing the price ranges of customers allows for a faster transaction period, ultimately increasing the number of products sold, plus the reduction of clutter in the store. Several individuals may have far different wants and needs, and this requires and efficient layout of displays and showcases to match those varying desires. A proper layout and display showcase will provide the best possible outcome for sales and customer service.

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Phone: 1888-222-7330

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STURDY STORE DISPLAYS prides itself in every detail of our work, from the superb mechanical parts to our impressive customer service. We welcome you to contact us for any additional information about your needs.