There are many different kinds of store displays. The jewelry showcase is much like the half vision showcase, both are good for displaying one level of jewelry. Below is the jewelry showcase.

Full vision and extra vision showcases are good for multi-level sturdy store displays.

Multi-level sturdy store displays on a grander scale include display towers, wall cases and trophy showcases, which display increasingly more amounts of jewelry. Below is the wall case.

For showcases behind the counter, there are corner showcases, countertop showcases, and glass showcases, which are all multi-level, and are perfect for more valuable items, that you want to distance from the customer in order to convey their importance. Below is the corner showcase.

Streamline Showcases have an interesting history. The word streamline means to “follow the path of least resistance,” and it can also mean “to simplify and organize.” The term was applied to store displays in the 1930’s, incorporating the functionality of the Bauhaus movement, and the spartan aesthetic of American art deco. It makes sense then, that if you want to have a retail display that simplifies and organizes all of your jewelry, a showcase that follows the path of least resistance, and simply displays what you have in a way that doesn’t overpower what is inside, then you would choose Streamline Showcases.

Depending on your product, an aluminum, anodized gold, or black exterior finish will match accordingly. You have the option of mirrored doors, which can help to make your streamline showcase deeper and more expansive, a trove of treasure waiting to be opened.

The ideal store showcase base should be of a soft colored wood, like maple or cherry. You want a showcase that complements your retail display, but in a subtle way. It should afford your product a sense of grace, elegance, and simplicity.

Overall the Streamline Showcases that you choose should match your product, your store, and you. Choosing a showcase is a personal decision that is important to your business.
When you go shopping for jewelry, you walk into the store amidst acres of glass showcase. Streamline showcases flow on both your sides and jewelry sparkles and shimmers. The showcase on your left is gold plated, and looks like it could be about as valuable as what’s inside. The glass is polished and you can see your reflection looking up at you from the emeralds and rubies within. On your right is a tall showcase that holds necklaces, huge diamond clad necklaces, with each level improving in size and quality upon the last, and at the top, a museum worthy piece that must be out of your price range.

A sales person approaches you, bids you good day, and asks what you have in mind. You reply, and he leads you over to a jewelry showcase towards the middle of the store. Slowly, he bends down, slides the mirrored door in the showcase, and extracts two spectacular rings that make you feel embarrassed about having to ask the price of before you can continue. “Not to worry,” he reassures you, “these rings are on sale, and are within your price range.” It turns out he’s right, miraculously, and he leads you farther on into the land of the showcase to gift wrap your wife’s new ring.

If you are looking for Streamline Showcases for your retail display, look no further than Sturdy Store Displays. A jewelry showcase is a perfect way to show off your product in a classy and stylish manner. There are all kinds of store displays, from wraparounds to towers, a lovely jewelry showcase to trophy displays of differing ilk.

If you really want to improve your jewelry showcase, buy our Probeam LED light. This will illumine your products, making them glitter and shine and causing your customers to gasp at the resplendence of your jewelry and any other products you are showcasing.

Presentation is everything in this business. If your products were lumped in a pile, no one would
ever buy them because they would look sloppy and cheap. If, on the other hand, you use Sturdy Store Displays, you convey luxury and quality to your customers, and your prices can reflect that accordingly. That’s why these store displays are more than just presentation, they are an investment in your product and your business.

So when it matters how you display your products, go to the authorities. Sturdy Store Displays are the best in the business for a reason.

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Phone: 1888-222-7330

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STURDY STORE DISPLAYS prides itself in every detail of our work, from the superb mechanical parts to our impressive customer service. We welcome you to contact us for any additional information about your needs.